Culinary Serendipity with the Singing Chef

Culinary is an art. There is an art in blending different flavors and bringing through delicate tastes that satisfy the taste buds. The Singing Chef – Don Sherman has got this down to a tee and the magic he brings about to every dish he prepares while entertaining you and keeping you satisfied not only in your sense of taste but also emotionally. Sri Lanka Tailor-Made proudly presents to you a culinary journey like no other, where you are promised a soul-filling & flavorful journey. A visit to the enchanting island of Sri Lanka steeped in history with its warm and inviting people, vibrant and multi ethnic, multi religious culture and heritage which provides the backdrop for a delightful personalized culinary journey savouring and experiencing the many variations and facets of Sri Lankan cuisine as well as everything else Sri Lanka has to offer! Come and be inspired and create wonderful memories!


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