Responsible Travel

Responsible Tourism is all about creating economic benefits for local families, maintaining a harmonious relationship with the environment and improving social impacts. It involves minimising the negative effects that tourism may have on these factors in a way which is beneficial to locals as well as tourists. The most important thought is that an enjoyable experience is felt by all those concerned.

Sri Lanka Tailor-Made effectively supports and believes in the concepts of responsible tourism and improving Sri Lanka as a tourist destination through those means. Jetwing Hotels as a whole have initiated missions and ideas to extend the benefit of tourism to those who need it most along with preserving cultural heritage and conserving wildlife and the environment. So far, these efforts have been an outstanding success with the achievement of three PATA awards, other numerous awards regarding energy saving practices and earning global recognition as a fascinating tourist destination. The company plans to reach even better heights in the future!

Jetwing Eternal Earth Project

Global Warming has become a major issue throughout the world. Nowadays, it is more threatening than ever before and many organizations are doing whatever they can to hinder it from getting out of control. JEEP was established for this very purpose in early 2008 by Jetwing Hotels.

JEEP’s main goal is to create awareness about global warming and its unfortunate effects. Through this project, the company also carries out its corporate social responsibilities in minimizing its carbon footprint.

The project intends to create a successful template for re-forestation, and aspires to educate future generations about self – sustainability and giving back to Planet Earth, which will inevitably make Sri Lanka an exemplary green destination.

Jetwing Youth Development Project

Youth unemployment is a burden for many Sri Lankan families living in rural villages. Their future is often undecided and many will take over their parents’ employment due to the lack of opportunities. JYDP was originally designed by Jetwing Vil Uyana in October 2006 with the initiative to develop rural youth for suitable employment with Jetwing Hotels or create the opportunity for them to find employment in other hotels around Sri Lanka or overseas.

English was the biggest barrier to a decent future. Fortunately the project began with an English training program which extended for six months. The youth were then categorized into different industry training such as, culinary, house keeping, front office, etc. which suited each youth individually. By the end of the training 60 youths passed admirably and were offered jobs in Vil Uyana and other hotels in Sri Lanka, opening doors of opportunity for them all! This project was successfully accomplished and is currently being introduced to local communities surrounding other Jetwing Hotels.

Going Green and the Green Directories by Jetwing

We have also commenced documenting these practices to ensure systematic adherence and we are gaining widespread recognition as an environmentally conscious hotel group. An upshot of our commitment in this regard resulted in our Green Directories being utilised as a text book for environmental awareness at a series of seminars in Germany. The seminars were conducted by an environmentalist from Germany who spent time studying and working in Sri Lanka.

Policy on Elephants

Over the past four decades, Jetwing has remained committed to uplifting lives, developing communities, and engaging in sustainable practices to benefit the environment.

Sri Lanka is a land known and renowned for her rich biodiversity, from the elephant to the whale to the leopard and sloth bear. Through our chauffer guides and guides, we seek to create awareness and educate guests, local communities and schoolchildren regarding the issues facing each species. With this in mind, in all our practices we never will directly market, promote, or endorse the use of animals – especially elephants as entertainment or at private functions. Our approach is to discourage third parties to do so as well, to the best of our ability.

The Jetwing family is against cruelty towards life in any form, and we stand with you on this issue. Together, we can make Sri Lanka the home of hospitality for both man and nature.


Each of our units has, on their own initiative, implemented various CSR activities through the efforts of dedicated teams which are a source of pride to all the staff from the respective and units. Some of the initiatives are listed below.

Jetwing Ayurveda Pavilions

Jetwing Ayurveda Pavilions has been architecturally designed with the existing landscape in mind. The area requires a clean, tranquil environment in order to carry out its purpose of healing relaxation. Thus they have made the utmost efforts to sustain the environment and maintain a natural harmony with it. Other than being extremely environmentally friendly, Ayurveda Pavilions also supports the local community. These are some of the activities they have initiated:

  • Supported the Vicinity School Sports Meet
  • Development of Loyala College, Daluwakotuwa
  • Negombo beach cleaning

Jetwing Beach

Jetwing Beach is located in the midst of two and a half acres of palm tree gardens. It maintains a cool, calm atmosphere of luxury by harmoniously blending in with the wonders of the natural surrounding environment. The hotel supports the local community in many generous ways in order to develop the population and environment. These are some of the activities they have initiated.

  • Donated nine traditional catamarans and two outboard motors to the traditional fisher folk affected by the tsunami
  • Repaired steel furniture for Ethukala School which is an underprivileged school in the community
  • Workshop on biodiversity and 5S for Ethukala School
  • Seminar on “Sexual Education” for the children, teachers and parents of schools in the area
  • A practical session on “How to Control Mosquitoes” was conducted with the help of Public Health Officer for school children
  • A Cookery Demonstration was held on 21st of June at Jetwing Beach for the children of Ethukala Sinhala mix school
  • Plans are underfoot to provide fully equipped computer labs to five needy schools in Negombo
  • Shramadana – beach cleaning programme on the first and third Tuesday of each month
  • English Classes for the community every Monday and Friday
  • A Taxi Service Through The Community – a training programme for the youth to provide hotel guests with a professional taxi service

Jetwing Blue

Jetwing Blue Oceanic is situated in the midst of a well maintained tropical garden next to the Negombo shoreline. Being the first built Jetwing hotel, it has supported the local community in many ways throughout the years along with maintaining the natural environment through sustainable practices. These are some of the activities they have initiated.

  • Conducted English classes to school leavers in the vicinity and upon successful completion, were enlisted on to the hotel staff register
  • On-going Hospital Project – maintenance of the pre-mature baby ward. Additionally, due to a water and electricity leakage, the hospital was shut down. The hospital was re-opened after we re-furbished the toilets and wash rooms in all the wards

Jetwing St. Andrews

Jetwing St Andrews has not only been architecturally designed to provide classic colonial comfort but also to blend harmoniously with the natural environment. One of the few hotels located in Nuwara Eliya, it organises many activities that benefit the local community.

  • Awareness programmes were held for O/L’ and A/L s’ students of St. Xavier’s College, Gamini Central College and Painters School on the biodiversity in Nuwara Eliya and also their school syllabus
  • Lessons on the history of Nuwara Eliya and historical hotels for Good Sheppard Convent A/L students for school projects.
  • Food demonstrations and a biodiversity programme were conducted for A/L students of Painters School by the Executive Chef.
  • Housekeeping demonstration for O/L students (Home science)
  • Shramadana campaigns carried out by staff at the base hospital in Nuwara Eliya
  • Awareness programmes by the Naturalist for villagers who live around the Piduruthalagala reserve
  • Timber and roof sheets donated to the poor associates who live around Piduruthalagala
  • Special events organised for the children of associates to celebrate the New Year
  • Food and clothing donated to Hawa Eliya temple for their special ceremonies
  • Fresh vegetables and herbs were donated to St. Xavier’s church
  • Tea parties organized for disabled army personnel
  • A training session was conducted by Dr. Sarath Wijesooriya on “Happy Family Life” for the associates and invitees of Nuwara Eliya
  • Identification programme on flora and fauna for students of St. Xavier’s college
  • Donations to army personnel

Jetwing Vil Uyana

Jetwing Vil Uyana is a beautiful manmade luxury resort committed to sustaining the environment by taking part in practices such as conserving local biodiversity, recycling, re-using and reducing wastage.

Jetwing Youth Development Project was established in Vil Uyana and is an initiative designed to develop rural youth for suitable employment within Jetwing Hotels or to create the opportunity to find employment with other hotels in the country or overseas. The project is a winner of PATA Grand Award 2007 for education and training.